The PC-SIG Library 10
The PC-Sig Library - Shareware for the IBM PC and Compatibles (PC-SIG)(Tenth Edition Disks 1-2804)(1991).iso
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Text File
74 lines
PMCAT PLUS files and a few words:
If you have used PmCat in the past, you will note a distinct
similarity of the appearance of PmCat+. Rest assured this is
intentional and great pains were taken with PmCat+ to make sure it
However, there are a few more files in the distribution archive
than were present with PmCat.
PMCATPL.EXE is the core program of PmCat+. You may rename this
file to anything you wish as long as you keep the '.EXE'
PMCAT.OVR is essential to the operation of PMCAT and MUST be
either in your path or in the same directory from which PMCAT+ was
run. The name of this file MUST NOT BE CHANGED, or PmCat+ will
not run.
PMCATPL.DOC is the complete documentation for PmCat+. You should
be able to PRINT it from the DOS command line or from any utility
you use to do this sort of operation.
PMLIST.COM - The program I've included for purposes of viewing
files is actually called R.COM and was provided to me at my
request for a public domain text viewer. I renamed it to
PMLIST.COM solely so you wouldn't see this file (r.com) hanging
around with no docs and delete it inadvertently and then begin to
wonder why PMCAT+ no longer functioned! I would strongly suggest
obtaining a registered copy of Vern Buerg's LIST program if you
don't have it. 'TYPE' no more!
PM-ORDER.FRM is the invoice style order form for PmCat+. If you
would like a copy of it, please send two copies when you register
and I will mark one of them PAID and return it to you with the
disk(s) you recieve.
PMDEL.DOC is the documentation file describing the use of PMDELDUP
which you will recieve with registration of PmCat+. It will allow
you to easily eliminate duplicate files from your PmCat+ or older
PmCat files (the file formats are the same)
PMCAT.CAT is a catalog file we prepared primarily so you could get
a quick look at some of the features of PMCAT+. You cannot, of
course, view these files (which is one of the strongest points of
PMCAT+), but you can get a quick idea of just what may be done
with PMCAT+.
A beneficial side effect of PMCAT.CAT is the fact that I can
easily make any of these files from my personal library availble
to registered users. If this idea is popular, I can add more
files and we would end up with a mini software club.
Bear in mind each disk is full of compressed files, unlike the
commercial houses which must of necessity provide uncompressed
files when only charging a dollar or two per disk. The places
where you do receive compressed files normally have to charge
about $5-$7 per disk. One disk of your choice is FREE with
registration of PmCat+ and others cost registered users only
$2.00 ea.
Also, since these are in my personal library, they have been
checked for functionality and bugs (to some extent).
One caveat ... a lot of the games were given to me in bulk a few
years back without documentation. I've done my best to weed out
the ones I thought were commercial/pirated. If you spot any you
know are not in the public domain or shareware, I would very much
appreciated your letting me know, so I can delete them. Same
thought goes for the other programs, but I don't think too many of
them came sans docs.